A Bundle of Britt

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Britt, Where the Hell You Been!?

So What’s Been Up Girl?

  I literally haven’t posted since the beginning of 2018. Crazy. Let’s see, so to rewind back then I was still working my retail job in cosmetics. I was unhappy with my job and it was starting to effect my personal life big time. My anxiety was on an all time high and depression was really kicking it.  I seemed to always work and never have enough time to invest in all that I wanted because anytime I actually got time off of work I would mentally shut down and not have the energy for anything. 

  My husband and I had completely different work schedules so it was hard to get personal time on our days off as well.   Do you see how even reading this is draining the happiness and positivity from your soul? Yeah, this was my everyday life. Living and working day to day without the motivation or energy to give into my dreams and emotionally detached from loves ones because of my own unhappiness. It was time for a change because I for damn sure am not getting any younger.  It was time to choose me first. 


So What Did You Do?  

  After praying and talking things over with my husband, I simply quit that job. No job is worth robbing you of your peace and happiness. We take our mental health for granted too often giving so much stress, time and energy to things and places we think we need in our lifetime. I knew I wasn’t interested in working for a while, so I’ve been taking time out to travel and just dive into better my mental and physical health.  

 It’s okay to be conscious of your mental health. People think that it’s such a weird topic, but it’s something that needs to be discussed. I was crying every morning I had to get dressed for work and would have several anxiety attacks at work all while having to pretend to be okay to still do my job. I only got one weekend off a month and it was rare we had back to back shifts off of work. I was drained and ready to have a complete mental breakdown. It was unhealthy for me to allow myself to continue to work in an environment that made me so unhappy because it paid my bills and I just kept hoping and wishing it would get better. 


Okay, But What’s That Got to Do With You Not Posting?  

I lost motivation honestly. I just wanted to focus on myself and that’s it. Of course God, My hubby and my pooch mattered also! But I was selfish with my time and my energy. I just took a break from the world to regain my peace so that I could allow myself to just let life happen. Be present and be in the moment. I hate forcing myself to make posts because it feels fake. I literally hate being fake and I wouldn’t want to put some half ass work out there if you’re so kind enough to even come to my blog and read it. It's literally not fair to my readers.


So What Now?  

I’m back and I’m feeling refreshed! It’s a new season and I’m ready for what all God has in store for me. Thank you all who have been patiently waiting for posts during these past few months as I have taken time off. I am so exited to get back and create content for you all so stay tuned for future posts! 



Brittany Barker